HARRISBURG – Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20) released the following statement on the Senate finalizing the 2023-24 state budget:
“There is a sense of relief among the recipients of state funding and those who depend on state-funded services that the lingering budgetary disputes have finally been resolved. It is a reasonable settlement aimed at enabling communities and organizations to address pressing needs.
“Passage of the two code bills allows for the release of funding long agreed to as important to individuals and families. There is a list of education and public safety programs that can now be carried out with the assurance the necessary funding is forthcoming. These spending items are directed toward programs and services that are priorities in our area.”
Additional budget highlights include:
- Funding to support community colleges, libraries, Ready-to-Learn Block Grants and the Education Improvement Tax Credit and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit programs.
- Important public safety initiatives include adding 100 Pennsylvania state troopers and expanding funding for county 911 services.
- Increased funding for county mental health services.
- Expansion of the child and dependent care tax credit to cover more families.
A large portion of the 2023-24 state budget was completed in August with enactment of the General Appropriations Act. Several important components required additional budget implementation language to be passed by both the Senate and House of Representatives and signed into law by the governor.
Jennifer Wilson